Thanatological Porn

(falling fetish)

Foreplay is quick and often unexpected.
“It” depends upon the environment.  Environment is everything.
“It” is egalitarian.  No one is on bottom. Everyone
begins on top.  Rhythm becomes peripheral.
Acceleration seems to be a component, but that’s all
in your head.  It’s overwhelming at the inception.
You’re quickly aware that things are slowing down
even as they appear to speed up.  The most holistic of all
because “it” asks for the body, not the parts.  The body
as a part.  I know you’ve probably been in other scenarios
where people can just get up and leave right in the middle.
Before anyone has finished someone has left even if
you’re both still there.  This is for those who only want
the tangential.  Never wanted to meet without return,
without retreat to a vague box of self and a large
collection of media.  They’ve wanted to become consumed,
to never leave the bedroom but only live in the consanguineous,
but the truth?  It’s harder to endure, although when “it” begins
there is no choice.  Climax builds. You see it approaching,
although you never experience “it”.  Everything is eventual.
You know that “it” will exist outside of you.  Something else will
be aware, but have little use for comments, colors or other media.  
Imagine the most intimate of emotions, the flood of body and soul,
their conversation, their meeting in one space of experience
occurs but only outside of both parties: “it”.  
You’re just happy to be there in this case
for however long you can survive.
That’s what “it” was always intended to be.  
Just enjoy being there.
No one has to come.  Your life is becoming.  


Brennan Burnside is a weather phenomenon moving in-between upstate New York and southeastern Pennsylvania.  His work has appeared in Monday Night Lit, Fjords Review, Gravel and Atlas and Alice among others. He blogs in an erstwhile fashion at